Proud to announce our new co-producers “4films”!


We are happy to announce that The Croatian Audiovisual Center has recognized the potential in “M” and supported the film thru our co-production company 4films. We are thrilled to have you and your team on board, Anita Juka.  — Пресреќни сме што може да објавиме дека „Хрватскиот аудиовизуелен центар“ го препозна потенцијалот во „М“ и одлучи […]

Crossroads award for “M”


We are honored to announce that we managed to win the prize “Crossroads” for the film “M”, a feature film which will be directed by Mr. Vardan Tozija and the producer Darko Popov. The “Crossroads” award is part of the co-production Forum Agora, in organization of the 59. Thessaloniki international film festival, Greece. Below is […]